
Writing During a Pandemic

Hello everyone. I have taken a long hiatus from this blog and if I still have any followers left thank you. I am going to start up again because I need to write about something other than my current wip. I have missed you all, and it feels good to be back.

I hadn’t had a lot of time to write. I was working longer hours and going to school. I didn’t have any time for myself. And I felt really guilty that I wasn’t writing. The thought of doing so however, made me feel more exhausted than I did already. I was very close to a breakdown.

Then COVID-19 hit and my jobs went from three to zero. I suddenly had all the time in the world when before I had none. You would think during this time I would write like a fiend but I didn’t. Instead, I would stare at a blank page for not hours but days. I read through my first draft in disgust, convinced that I was just a hack and should quit while I was not ahead. This, of course, did nothing for my self-esteem. I needed to write. As many writers know, we can only stop for so long before the drive hits us again. So when I came backĀ  I was determined to have a new mindset. I needed to fall back in love with the concept of writing again. So I started out reading. Something else I hadn’t done for an embarrassingly long amount of time. I re-read old favorites and got inspired for my own stories.

When I was ready, I powered up my Chromebook and focused on world-building. I reintroduced myself to the characters I had created and the world I was exploring with them (I will go further into my process on another post). It rekindled the flame and from that, I have been able to slowly work on editing. I am doing one chapter at a time. Its the only way for me to not feel completely overwhelmed. I write when I am able to. When I have the mental capacity to do my best. Right now it might be an hour or so each day. But I am slowly training myself to do more for longer. Just like in anything else getting back into something after a long absence takes time.

Throughout this time I have learned compassion. I need to be kind to myself during this time. It is a scary time for everyone. I have been involved in the writing community on twitter and I love the support I receive there.

If any of you are finding it hard to write during this, it’s okay. There is no rush. Some people can write thousands of words in a day while others only a few if at all. Everyone’s process is different.

I have missed you all and I hope you are safe and well during this time.

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